
Posts Tagged ‘true happiness’

Happiness Resides Within

In Inspiring on August 15, 2012 at 10:24 AM

“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold,
happiness dwells in the soul”


The world we live in constantly reminds us that money is everything. Without money we would never be able to survive yet alone be happy. As children we were told to dream big and that we could be anything we wanted. Yet as we grew older, the more we realized that our dreams will not put the food on the table nor will it put a roof over our heads. We decided to create more realistic dreams and set forth to accomplish them. But in the process, we lose sight of who we are and instead become what society wants us to be; mindless drones.

Each and every day becomes a series of repetitive actions and the only thing we look forward to is retirement. Only then are we able to enjoy the rest of our lives and break away from society. Yet even then we are dependent on money and the only income we have is the money we saved and social security. Wouldn’t it be easier to find happiness in life rather than money?

We need to realize that happiness does not reside in money or in material possessions. We could have all the money in the world and still feel utterly alone. Though money is important it does not determine your happiness. We need to be true to ourselves and not give up our dreams because it won’t result in a high income. When we finally recognize that money is not happiness, it is then that we can truly be happy.